Tips on Tips

For trekking poles, that is. I was blown away by the enthusiastic response to my recent post explaining why I choose to use trekking poles instead of a cane.

Because so many mentioned they were going to give them a try, I thought it was equally important to share a little bit about the tips that you can use on your trekking poles.

Many times, the tips that come standard with poles are made of a hard shiny plastic with a smooth flat bottom. Over time, those types of tips wear and crack. Plus, they can become be very noisy (click, clack…). I’ve been trekking it for almost 10 years and highly recommend a softer rubber tip with an “all-terrain” style tip with grooves (as seen in the pics above). I recently purchased on Amazon (link below) the multi-pack of various styles seen in the pic and have come to love the larger round tip that’s seen on the pole in the pic. On my recent trips to NYC, they were perfect for avoiding the nooks, crannies and many metal grates that are a staple of the city’s landscape. I wish you all the best in your adventures and can’t wait to see you sharing your “trekking” pics on social media.😊 Only $9.99 on Amazon. Here’s the link:



Photo credit: Amy Hedges Photography

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